Sunday, February 22, 2009

Peasang Osiri


The United Nations Office of Drug Control and Crime Prevention (UDCCP) is a global leader in the fight against drugs and crime.  It was built in 1997 by the United Nations Drug Control Programme and the Centre for International Crime Prevention, UDCCP is handled in all regions of the world through a network of field offices. UDCCP relies on contributions, from governments, for 90% of its budget.

UDCCP assist Member States against illicit drugs, crime and terrorism. In the Millennium Declaration, Member States also resolved to intensify efforts to fight crime, to double the efforts to put into practice the promise to counter the world drug problem and international terrorism.


There are three main objectives of the UDDCP

·                                 Cooperation projects to enhance the capacity of Member States to counter drugs, crime and terrorism.

·                                 Research to increase information of drugs and crime issues.

·                                 The UCDDP works to assist States in drugs, crime and terrorism.


I think that they are doing a good job at these problems. Since they have started this organization, crimes, drugs, and terrorism has decreased greatly. UDCCP has created the idea of dog sniffing baggage for drugs. The UDCCP call these dogs’ sniffer-dogs. The UCDDP also provides drug identification kits to countries that will decrease drug smuggling into different countries. Since they have started this, drug smuggling has greatly decreased. When times passes, people built better ways to smuggle drugs, and the OCDDP keeps improving the ways to deal with this. For example: The smugglers created briefcases made from heroine just by attaching locks and the handle. The dogs can smell this and alarm the guards that the briefcase is the drug.


ODCCP trains street workers to help. ODCCP prevention program targets the most-at-risk groups in many countries around the world. Prevention programs are often conducted through schools, through the mass media and street/social workers. ODCCP assist border control officers around the world to intercept drugs and drug traffickers. It also develops strategies and brokers agreements to make sure that countries are cooperating with each other. Without the UN organizing this organization, crimes, drugs, and terrorism will increase greatly.


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