Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Questions About Nazi Germany

5 Multiple Choices


1. Who was the Ministry of People's Enlightenment and Propaganda?

            a. Joseph Goebbels

            b. Adolf Hitler

            c. Heinrich Himmler

            d. Goering


2. What was the Schutzstaffel (SS) set up for?

            a. Guard concentration camps

            b. Hitler's bodyguards

            c. To kill and torture Jews for Hitler.

            d. All of the above


3. When Hitler became a dictator, what did he do?

            a. Presented the Enabling Act

            b. Banned all opposition parties

            c. Became a Fuhrer

            d. All of the above


4. What were the most 4 important propaganda techniques?

            a. Poster, Radio, Rallies, and Censorship

            b. Radio, Film, Newspaper, and Rallies

            c. Poster, Radio, Film, and Speeches

            d. None of the above


5. Who were the Undesirable?

            a. Jews

            b. Homosexuals

            c. Gypsies

            d. All of the above



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