Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Questions About Nazi Germany

5 Multiple Choices


1. Who was the Ministry of People's Enlightenment and Propaganda?

            a. Joseph Goebbels

            b. Adolf Hitler

            c. Heinrich Himmler

            d. Goering


2. What was the Schutzstaffel (SS) set up for?

            a. Guard concentration camps

            b. Hitler's bodyguards

            c. To kill and torture Jews for Hitler.

            d. All of the above


3. When Hitler became a dictator, what did he do?

            a. Presented the Enabling Act

            b. Banned all opposition parties

            c. Became a Fuhrer

            d. All of the above


4. What were the most 4 important propaganda techniques?

            a. Poster, Radio, Rallies, and Censorship

            b. Radio, Film, Newspaper, and Rallies

            c. Poster, Radio, Film, and Speeches

            d. None of the above


5. Who were the Undesirable?

            a. Jews

            b. Homosexuals

            c. Gypsies

            d. All of the above



Monday, October 27, 2008

Russian Propaganda Posters

Propaganda is a set of messages that are aimed towards people and at influencing the opinion. It is a message in an indirectly way, as using cartoons, songs, and films.  Propaganda originates from Latin, which could be translated to "that which is to be spread"  Propaganda in its most basic sense presents information in order to influence its audience. Propaganda is information or ideas that are spread to help a nation, religion, or person. Propaganda was used a lot in the Russian Revolution. But Propaganda only shows one side of the story, the good side. It will never show the bad side. By looking at these posters, we can know the ways to influence the minds of people in those times.

This picture of Lenin shows standing up for the USSR. The writing says “The soviet type of power is a road to socialism that was found by masses of workers. SO it won't be defeated.” I think it mean that; masses of workers can’t be defeated since they are in a large number. Within everyday, the number of workers increase and the Soviet Union will keep getting stronger. The red background stands for the communist color.

This picture of Lenin show him standing up holing a piece of paper. The writing says “There is such a party!” He is referring to the Party of Bolsheviks. This poster is merely a poster to make civilians have hope in him and the Party, also in the Revolution. Again, the red background stands for the communist color.


This is a picture of Lenin. The writing says “We are the Party of the future, and the future belongs to the youth. We are the party of innovators, and the innovators are always eagerly followed by the youth. We are the party of fight, and youth will always fight first” He is saying that he is doing this for the youth of Russia. All of Russia’s youth depends on what they do. The youth must also fight of the party and their selves.


After I looked through the posters, I saw that Lenin was in most of them. Since that he was a big impact on the Russian revolution. Most of the posters I have also seen had many things alike. For instance, almost every poster used red as a background color. He used this technique (propaganda) too gain trust and belief of him.




In order of appearance


"Russia Posters 5." Propaganda Posters. 27 Oct 2008


"Russia Posters 5." Propaganda Posters. 27 Oct 2008


"Russia Posters 5." Propaganda Posters. 27 Oct 2008

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Battle of Verdun : More Information

Battle of Verdun

Do you know some of the important battle in World War One or The Great War? Many people were killed because of this war. The war I am going to tell you about is one of the most important wars in WW1. It also had many deaths and injuries. It was also the first war that the Germans used flamethrowers. It was also the longest battle ever fought in WW1. It is called the Battle of Verdun.

  I chose this topic because this war was important to the whole world I think. I think that if the French didn't win, the Triple Alliance would win.

  It was between the French and German Empire. The commanders of the French army were Robert Nivelle and Philippe Petain. The commanders of the German army were Erich von Falkenhayn and Crown Prince Wilhelm.  The French had 30,000 men on 21 February 1916. The Germans had150, 000 men on 21 February 1916.I happened in Verdun-sur-Meuse, France. The Germans decided to throw all their men against this fight. It was a battle that the French had to defend the trench and to not let the Germans get past it. It was a stalemate, neither Germany or France moved forward or backwards. At the end, America came in and helped the French. Since the American just came into the war, they had a lot of energy. The French pushed very far until they too Fort Vaux. That is when Germany decided to retreat.

  I think that this war very a very good topic for this assignment, since many sites on the Internet have very deep content bout this war. It is also one of the important wars in the WW1.  I think that both sides lost one major thing, soldiers. The number of soldiers that died was tremendously huge.


 Duffy, Michael. "Battles: The Battle of Verdun, 1916." Battles: The Battle of Verdun, 1916 Saturday, 4 October, 2003 1. 18 Sep 2008 .

"The Battle of Verdun." The Battle of Verdun 11. 18 Sep 2008 .

"1." FWWverdun. Spartacus Educational. 18 Sep 2008 .